Listed here are several documents I've found useful and that I'd like to share for others' education. The title links for each will take you to a separate download page where they're available. Most are PDFs and seem to download fine for me.
Investigation and Pursuit of the Libyans: 1988-1999
UK Air Accident Investigation Branch, July 1990. Summary of forensic findings about how the plane most likely came apart. (strictly text). Signed M M Charles, Inspector of Accidents, Department of Transport. PDF, 57 pages.
AAIB Report Appendices
Appendix A-F - detailed text, photographs, and graphics - referenced in the AAIB report (above). PDF, 97 pages.
Indictment, Nov 1991
The joint U.S.-Scots indictment of Megrahi and Fhimah, issued November 13 1991, about half-based on the obvious fabrications of Libyan defector and literature student AM Giaka.
State Dept. Press Release, 1992
In support of the recent indictments, State quells any lingering doubts... (reformatted by me) PDF, 13 pages
Zeist Trial: 1999-2001
IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICIARY AT CAMP ZEIST - Case No: 1475/99: HER MAJESTY’S ADVOCATE v ABDELBASET ALI MOHMED AL MEGRAHI and AL AMIN KHALIFA FHIMAH. Camp Zeist (Kamp van Zeist), The Netherlands, 3 May 2000 to 31 January 2001. (document itself undated) PDF file, 82 pages.
LTBU Daily Reports
Lockerbie Trial Briefing Unit daily reports of the Zeist trial, with much commentary. compiled by me with comparative notes on corresponding trial days (there are plenty of mis-matches, missing one or the other). A lot of information here. PDF, 99 pages.
Megrahi Appeal Documents
Also available at Abdelbaset Ali Al-Megrahi: My Story
Grounds of Appeal one and two
Megrahi legal team - arguments against the Camp Zeist ruling. Fairly legal stuff. Made by Tony Kelly, Sept 18 2009. PDF, 38 pages.
Additional Information / Discarded Leads Re-examined
Khreesat Advises
FBI report on November 1989 interviews with bombmaker Marwan Khreesat - partially reconstructed from trial transcripts (app. 60% complete). Invaluable background info on Khreesat, Abu Elias, and the Autumn Leaves gang. PDF, 22 pages.
Swiss Air 330, Appendix to Official Report Re: airplane bombing on Feb 21 1970, Switzerland, 47 fatalities. The bomb was apparently Khreesat's work. German language, but mostly graphic-based. Includes diagrams, photos, etc. Courtesy Edwin Bollier.
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